Due to the health crisis situation caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) in which we find ourselves and in accordance with the Order of June 19, 2020, in which preventive public health measures are adopted in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia To deal with Covid-19, the following General Protocol for the Prevention of Covid-19 prepared by the Andalusian Athletics Federation, authorized by the Ministry of Education and Sports after the visa of the Ministry of Health and Families, adapted to the SHERRY MARATON 2022 is MANDATORY for all participants and attendees.
- Mandatory use of a mask at all times. Runners will not wear a mask during the competition. They can only take it off once they have crossed the starting line and they must put it on when crossing the finish line.
- Maintain a safety distance of 1.5m.
- Use of hydroalcoholic gel at the entrance of any room and / or space. (Delivery of numbers, Starting Box, Aid station, Finish)
The most important measure is the Individual Responsibility of each runner when it comes to strictly complying with all the general and specific sanitary measures of the event.
The importance of compliance with these measures does not need to be explained. Therefore, from the organization we ask for the greatest sensitivity and responsibility of EVERYONE to be able to enjoy the Ultra Sierra Nevada with the greatest security guarantees.
In addition to these general measures, the following specific measures will be established at each point of the event:
- The following times are recommended by modality to collect the number in order to avoid possible crowds. However, any number can be collected during the hours set for it.
MARATÓN: Saturday from 11:00 - 12:30 and from17:00 to 18:00 at Consejo Regulador Sherry and Sunday from 8:00 to 8:30 at Real Escuela Ecuestre.
MEDIA: Saturday from 12:30 - 14:00 and from 17:30 to 18:30 at Consejo Regulador Sherry and from to 7:00 a 7:30 at Real Escuela Ecuestre.
PROMO: Saturday from 18:30 to 20:00 at Consejo Regulador Sherry and Sunday from 8:30 to 9:30 at Alameda Vieja.
- In the case of groups / clubs / teams, the delegation of the delivery of all the numbers of the team / club / team to a representative is recommended. For this you will have to present authorization of all the members (photo ID and authorization) It is valid to present it with a mobile photo.
- Only essential materials such as number, chip, bagged commemorative shirt will be included in the runner's bag. No advertising products other than the test or, where appropriate, will be packaged or manufactured in individual formats.
- The shirt provided by the organization of the event will be factory packed. Not allowing changes or tests of sizes in said delivery or in another place of the race.
The START of each modality of the Sherry Maratón will comply with the following measures:
- The use of a mask is mandatory at all times. The mask can only be removed once the Start has been taken. Without a mask, the starting box cannot be accessed.
- The runners before entering the starting box will have their body temperature taken. In the event that the thermometer reads more than 37.5º, the runner will not be able to access the starting box and will not be able to start.
- At the entrance to the starting box there will be hydroalcoholic gel, hand disinfection being mandatory.
- Once the starting box is accessed, the corresponding material control will be carried out and they will be placed at the indicated mark on the ground, maintaining a safety distance of 1.5m at all times.
- The start will be done in a staggered manner of 10 runners every 20 seconds.
- The starting order will be determined based on arrival, except for the elite runners who will start first. We recommend that the fastest runners start first and the slowest runners last with the intention of avoiding, as far as possible, overtaking in the race.
- The attending public must maintain a safe distance, use a mask and comply with all the sanitary measures imposed by the Authorities.
- The backpacks / bags delivered by the runners at the Start for the wardrobe will be introduced by the organization in disposable plastic bags identified with the runner's bib number.
- It is recommended to use plastic bags for the delivery of the material in the wardrobe.
- The use of masks will be mandatory to deliver and collect the bag from the wardrobe.
- Runners must, as far as possible, maintain a safety distance of 5 meters behind a runner at all times when running.
- Runners must maintain, as far as possible, a safety distance of 2 meters when overtaking a runner.
- The aid stations are located in open spaces with tents and without walls to promote ventilation.
- The products of the aid stations will be in single-dose format and wrapped.
- All the provisioning products will be disposable, so that when the runner consumes the chosen products, the leftovers will be thrown away, along with the plate and / or cutlery delivered.
- All the provisioning staff will wear a mask and gloves.
- The runners who meet at the refreshment station must keep the safety distance between them.
- Once the runners have crossed the finish line, they will have to put on the mask before going to the finish line service area.
- Finisher runners will receive a bag with the medal, Finisher gifts and food, so that they can evacuate the Finish area in an agile way, thus avoiding possible crowds.
- The finish area will be restricted to the public and to runners already finished.
- The showers and changing rooms will remain closed due to Covid-19, so there will be NO shower service at the finish line.
- There will be NO trophy ceremony.
- The trophies will be delivered as the podiums are completed. In the case of subcategory trophies, these will be delivered on site as soon as the official result is certified.
- The award-winning runners will have to use the mask and maintain a safe distance at all times.