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Official website of SHERRY MARATÓN: 


What day is the SHERRY MARATÓN? 4th of May 2025

How many modalities does the SHERRY MARATÓN have ?  Three, Sherry Maratón, Sherry Media and Sherry Promo.


What time and where is the start of the SHERRY MARATÓN? At 8:00 a.m, Sunday 4th of May at the Fundación Real Escuela Andaluza del Arte Ecuestre.

And SHERRY MEDIA? At 9:00 a.m, Sunday  4th of May at the Fundación Real Escuela Andaluza del Arte Ecuestre

And SHERRY PROMO? At 10:30 a.m, Sunday 4th of May at Marcharnudo.


How many kilometers are the SHERRY MARATÓN?  42,5 kms

How may kilometers are the SHERRY MEDIA? 22  kms.

How may kilometers are the SHERRY PROMO? 14 kms.

What is the maximun time to complete the  SHERRY MARATÓN? 6:30 hours.

And the SHERRY MEDIA?   5:30 hours.

And the SHERRY PROMO?   3:30 hours.

Where I can pick up my bib number? The bibs number and bag of the runner can only be collected at the Alcázar of Jerez de la Frontera (next to Alameda Vieja) during friday from 11:00 to 14:00h and 17:00 to 20:00h, saturday from 17:00h to 20:00h. On Sunday  you can pick up the bibs number at the Alcázar of Jerez de la Frontera (next to Alameda Vieja) from 7:00 to 7:30 for Sherry MARATÓN,  from 8:00 to 8:30 for  Sherry MEDIA runners and  from 8:00 to 9:30 for Sherry Promo runners.

Whay Ineed to pick up my bib number? To collect the number is necessary to present an official identification document (ID or Passport).

Can another person pick up my bib number? To collect the number of another person it is necessary to present a photocopy of the DNI and authorization of the owner of the number.

Where I have to wear my bib number? The bib number should always be well visible in the abdominal part during the entire race.

What time do the starting box of the Sherry Marathon open?  At 7:30 a.m.

What time do the starting box of the Sherry Media open? At 8:30 a.m.

What time do the starting box of the Sherry Promo open? At 10:00 a.m.

Is there mandatory equipment? NO, the organization recommends that runners carry the following material in order to perform the race:

  • Mobile phone: With fully charged battery, active roaming, and turned on during the entire event.

  • Cup for liquids: no cups/glasses will be provided at aid stations.

  • Drinking container and/or hydration pack: total minimal capacity 1L.

  • Sunglasses: with plastic lenses

  • Sunscreen cream or lotion: Total protection.

  • Electrolytes and/or mineral salts

  • Energy food: Energy bars, gels, fruits…

  • Backpack: Appropriate to the volume of the material and pace of the participant. 

Is there wardrobe service? The Organization will have a wardrobe service where the runners can deposit their belongings, located at the Alcázar of Jerez de la Frontera (next to Alameda Vieja) for Maratón,Media and Promo.

The wardrobe schedule will be from 7:00 a.m. to 14:30 a.m. on Sunday .

Are there checkpoint during the race? Yes, there will be between 3 and 5 checkpoints.

Are there aids station during the race? Yes, there will be 6 aids station + Finish aid station at the Finish line.

Are there medical assistences during the race? Where? Yes, there will be several medical teams during the race and one fixed at the finish line.

Is there shuttle bus to the Start?  Yes, from Alameda Vieja (Finish Line) only for the Promo runners. 



Please go with time and do not wait for the last bus to avoid agglomerations and to transport everyone.

My family and friends want to follow the online race live. Where and how can they do it? On the website of the race you will be able to see in real time the passage through the Checkpoints. In addition, in the social networks of the race will be published live information during the course of the race.


Can I transfer the registration to a friend or relative? The organization offers the possibility to make a name change of the bib / chip with the following conditions:

In case of having a waiting list, a name change will NOT be possible.

Once the runner has communicated the request for a change of name in will have a period of 7 days to fill in the form that will send the organization.
Cost: € 3.


Does insurance cover me? The organization has a liability insurance policy in accordance with current legislation.


Are there any finisher medals? Yes. All SHERRY MARATHON finishers will receive a personalized medal.


Is there shower service after the race? Yes, at the Pabellón Antonio Vega «Veguita»

When is the awards ceremony? At 14:00h (Alameda Vieja)

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